College Admissions with Calm, Clarity & Confidence

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The US Naval Academy Chapel copper dome gleams against a blue sky.

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What most high school students know about military life tends to come from movies or books. Even those who grew up in military families may wonder what it would be like to personally serve under military restrictions and responsibilities. Military academy summer programs offer rising seniors a taste of life as a cadet or midshipman. […]

Military Academy Summer Programs

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Extracurricular activities are anything a student does outside the classroom. These might include school clubs, work, volunteering, or hobbies. Activities give students a chance to explore interests, demonstrate leadership, and be a force for positive change. History related activities can help students show they have experience with research, analysis, and presentation that they might use […]

7 History Extracurricular Activities for High School Students

College Admissions
USS Constitution in Boston Harbor.

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In the past couple years, the US Air Force has changed its Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) scholarship program. These changes affect who is offered scholarships and how much money they receive. But Air Force ROTC remains an excellent pathway for students to become US Air Force officers. Fewer Air Force ROTC Scholarships for High School […]

Air Force ROTC Scholarships

Air Force ROTC cadets learn about aviation training.

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These are some of the best college admissions books I’ve read. They will help parents understand the modern college admissions landscape, from how colleges pick students to how to pay for college.  We often focus on sensational articles about a handful of colleges. This can lead to a lot of doom-casting and despair. In fact, […]

Cup of coffee next to a stack of books. Text reads Books on College Admissions above the Admissions Decrypted logo.