College Admissions with Calm, Clarity & Confidence

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Girl with brown hair and a white shirt writing. Text reads: Common App Essay Prompts 24-25

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The Common App essay prompts aren’t a list of questions to answer. They are designed to help you think about what’s important to you, who you are as a person, and what you would bring to campus as a college student. The Common App opens August 1 for students applying as freshmen for Fall 2025. […]

Common App Essay Prompts 2024-25

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What Are Military Academy Nominations? When students apply to military service academies, the nomination requirement often causes confusion. This guide will help you better understand which military academy nominations you are eligible for and how to get started with the nomination request process. Nominations are required for appointment to the three Department of Defense Service […]

Guide to Military Academy Nominations

Graphic explaining military academy nomination requirements

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If you have a high school student, maybe you’ve noticed articles about FAFSA. Maybe you’re worried about completing it so you can get a financial aid offer. Maybe you are just wondering, “What is FAFSA?” This guide explains what FAFSA is, why it matters, and where to get help completing it. As of January 2024, […]

Guide to FAFSA

College Affordability
Admissions Decrypted Guide to FAFSA

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FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. FAFSA 2024-25 (for the college academic year that starts in Fall 2024) opened December 31, 2023 in a soft launch. This revised form reflects changes to the format and the formula used to calculate eligibility for need-based financial aid. These FAFSA tips will help you finish […]

If parents are married to each other financial information from both is required. If they did not file taxes jointly, then both are contributors and both will need to provide information and sign the FAFSA. If they filed taxes jointly, only one parent is required as a contributor. If parents are not married to each other, but live together, both are considered contributors and must complete FAFSA individually. If parents are not married and don't live together, the parent who provide more financial support than the other will be the contributor and must complete the FAFSA. If the parent providing the most support has remarried, the stepparent will also be considered a contributor.

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Usually the first question families have after their kid learns they were admitted to a college is: How much will this cost? Unfortunately, there is no uniform format for delivering financial aid offers. And some colleges have confusing ways of labeling grants, scholarships, and loans. So understanding college financial aid offers takes time and attention […]

College Financial Aid Offers

College Affordability
Bursar Services sign in college admin building.

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These are the biggest college admissions trends I noticed during the 2022-23 admissions cycle. Families of this year’s seniors and younger high school students should be aware of these trends, so they can make wise decisions as they apply to college. Note, I wrote this in April 2023, before the SCOTUS decision on the use […]

College Admissions Trends 2023

College Admissions
University of Tennessee campus under a bright blue sky.

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When public and private high school students apply to college, their school counselors submit documents to support their application. Homeschool students also need to give admissions an academic history to base their admissions decision on. In addition to the applications the student fills out, there are several supporting documents for homeschool college applications that are […]

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Extracurricular activities are anything a student does outside the classroom. These might include school clubs, work, volunteering, or hobbies. Activities give students a chance to explore interests, demonstrate leadership, and be a force for positive change. History related activities can help students show they have experience with research, analysis, and presentation that they might use […]

7 History Extracurricular Activities for High School Students

College Admissions
USS Constitution in Boston Harbor.

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In the past couple years, the US Air Force has changed its Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) scholarship program. These changes affect who is offered scholarships and how much money they receive. But Air Force ROTC remains an excellent pathway for students to become US Air Force officers. Fewer Air Force ROTC Scholarships for High School […]

Air Force ROTC Scholarships

Air Force ROTC cadets learn about aviation training.

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These are some of the best college admissions books I’ve read. They will help parents understand the modern college admissions landscape, from how colleges pick students to how to pay for college.  We often focus on sensational articles about a handful of colleges. This can lead to a lot of doom-casting and despair. In fact, […]

Cup of coffee next to a stack of books. Text reads Books on College Admissions above the Admissions Decrypted logo.